The Lost Sailor of the Shipwright’s Arms
The Lost Sailor of the Shipwrights Arms.
Many years ago a Dutch ship ran aground in the marshes near the shipwrights pub. The captain escaped the sinking ship and seeing the distant light of the Shipwright’s made his way through the harsh terrain towards his salvation. Some accounts have him dragging a mysterious religious icon made of iron along behind him. Finally more dead than alive he makes it to the pub and bangs on the door. The publican heard the noise but fearing the banging was made by pirates or bandits or other such scallywags ignored the racket and stayed in bed. Let’s face it, he was probably pissed. The next morning the barman opened the door, most likely to visit the privy, only to find the prostrate body of the captain, dead from exposure and exhaustion. Since that time a ghost of the captain has been seen lurking about the place and scaring the customers with his glowing red eyes.
If I believed in ghosts, then I would definitely believe this story. We don’t know whether there were any other sailors that perished when the ship floundered, but as they’re never mentioned in the accounts I’ve read I think we can assume that this was a lone sailor, used to confronting problems head-on. He sails boats around various seas, he navigates by the stars, he wrestles sharks to their death and does it all with his shirt off, muscles glistening under the harsh, blistering sun... except when he’s navigating by the stars. He’s a man’s man, a can-do kind of guy. So why is it, after tracking though miles of mud, sea and marshes and finally reaching his potential salvation does he give up so easily.
Anyway it’s a great pub, in a great location. Should you happen apon the Lost Sailor of the Shipwright’s Arms some cold, dark and windy night as you drink that well earned pint, give him a smile, a wink and ask him WHY THE HELL DIDN’T YOU KICK THE BLOODY DOORS IN RATHER THAN JUST CRAWL OFF AND DIE?