The Grey Lady of the Woolpack Inn

No one knows who this lady is… or do they? No they don’t. But here’s an interesting story I dug up whilst researching this ghost. Personally I think this goes a long way to explain who this lady is and why she won’t leave the Woolpack. 

Back in the 1880s lived a young, successful businessman called Charles Stephens. His devoted wife was called Catherine and they lived in Mountain St, Chilham. It was an idyllic, married existence, or so everyone thought. 

On Catherine’s 30th birthday, Charles was scheduled to go to a business meeting in Canterbury. He arranged to be back in time to meet Catherine at the Woolpack for a birthday lunch. Unfortunately the only business Charles was engaged in that day was funny business. He was having an affair with an unknown married woman named Betsy Rogers. Whilst Charles rodgered Betsy Rogers, Mr Rogers arrived home unexpectedly. The two men engaged in some very exuberant fisticuffs and Charles fell back, cracking his skull on the mantle piece.

His last words were “Argh… you’re standing on my hand.” But before that, he said “I’ve got to get to the Woolpack. It’s Catherine’s birthday.” But of course he never did make it to the Woolpack, nor anywhere else for that matter. He died right there in the bedroom, his blood soaking into the floor, his hand crushed under the heel of Mr Roger’s boot. He was still very cross with Charles.

Poor Catherine waited and waited. Finally she was told the dreadful news. She showed no emotion but quietly and with great dignity got up and walked home. The next day she returned. “I’m waiting for my Charles, he’ll be returning from a business trip in Canterbury any minute now,” she would tell anyone that asked. She would then sit for an hour nursing a small sherry before walking home and repeating the excursion the next day… and the next… and the next. Aside from her daily visit to the Woolpack, she lived a remarkably functional existence. People learned not to speak of her husband’s demise and she refused to engage with it.

This pattern was repeated for many years before Catherine, by now an elderly lady, passed away. Some people say she died of a broken heart, although it was more likely to be her broken neck, which she sustained by falling down the back steps of the Woolpack during her last visit.

I like to think Catherine Stephens is the Grey Lady, still waiting for Charles to return from his business trip all those years ago. If you do happen to see her, give her a smile and a nod but under no circumstances mention that Rogers woman!

And that is the legend, which I just made up (or did I?) of The Grey Lady of the Woolpack Inn (or is it?)